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Showing candles 901 to 909 of 909
Lit Tue February 22, 2011Mengloth, please help...
Mengloth, please help my child to heal.
For this, I will dedicate the work I do as a nurse to you...
Lit Tue February 22, 2011Hail Mengloth!
Hail Mengloth, Lady of Lyfja Mount!
Lit Fri February 11, 2011Mengloth, please help...
Mengloth, please help heal the poison in my body.
For this, I will plant a new healing herb in my garden and give thanks and ask how you want it used.
Lit Sun February 06, 2011Hail Mengloth!
Hail Mengloth! You are my inspiration for my work each day. You restore and heal and mend what had been rent and sundered. You are a weaver of bone and flesh, of mind and heart. May your name be praised!
Lit Sat January 15, 2011Thank you Mengloth, for...
Thank you Mengloth, for help and healing during a difficult time...
Lit Mon January 10, 2011Hail Mengloth!
Hail Mengloth! She Who persists, and tries again, and succeeds the third time; for the body runs in threes: three days to live, three days to die, three days to heal.
Lit Mon January 10, 2011Mengloth, please help...
Thank you Mengloth, for helping my infection to heal.
Lit Mon January 03, 2011Hail Mengloth!
Hail to the Lady of Lyfjaberg, who was kind enough to put up with this most untalented student.
Lit Mon January 03, 2011Thank you Mengloth, for...
Thank you Mengloth, for helping my friend to heal.
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Showing candles 901 to 909 of 909