Thank you Frith, for helping me to find the balances I need to make in my life.
Lit Thu January 23, 2025Hail Frith!
Hail Frith!
Lit Fri October 18, 2024Hail Frith!
Hail Frith!
Lit Wed October 09, 2024Hail Frith!
Hail Frith, Great Goddess of Balance!
May You always be honoured, praised and remembered!
Lit Thu June 27, 2024Hail Frith!
Hail Frith, Great Goddess of Balance!
May You always be honoured, praised and remembered!
Lit Wed April 24, 2024Hail Frith!
Hail Frith!
Lit Mon December 18, 2023Please, Frith
Frith, please help, I am so scared, help my organs to work. I want to give so much more love.
For this, I will give and heal as many as I can.
Lit Mon October 30, 2023Hail Frith!
Hail Frith, Greate Goddess of Balance!
May You always be honoured, praised and remembered!
Lit Mon October 02, 2023Thank you Frith
Thank you Frith, for continuing to keep me alive
Lit Sun August 27, 2023Please, Frith
Frith, please help
Oh great Goddess of balance of the body, and healing of organs, I ask you to help with healing of my mothers organs. Her heart, her kidneys, her brain.
For this, I will build a shrine and honor you daily! Hail Frith!