Hail Ostara! Goddess to the Vernal Throne. You who are the echo of birdsong and the dance of Hares! Blessed are we who receive your gifts with open arms and rejoice with the rising tide. So shall we greet you with each passing year as you walk across the warming Earth and the flowers do spring from your footsteps. Hail Ostara as you guide us through regeneration ad we walk the Wheel in your honour! Blessed Be
Lit Fri November 04, 2016Hail Ostara!
Hail Ostara!
Lit Tue October 25, 2016Thank you Ostara, for...
Thank you Ostara, for being my Guardian Angel for this lifetime.
Thank you for your support during hard times and I hope we will find the Stars together at last and I will become enlightened with you.
Lit Thu September 15, 2016Thank you Ostara, for...
Thank you Ostara, for your gift of hope.
Lit Wed September 14, 2016Hail Ostara!
Hail Ostara!
Lit Sun September 11, 2016Thank you Ostara, for...
Gratitudes towards Ostara, for Being ever prevalent in my life. You've called to me since the day I was born, and just after march of my 18th year on this earth, I've discovered you and I will always worship and respect you.
Lit Wed August 17, 2016Hail Ostara!
Hail Ostara!
Lit Tue August 09, 2016Hail Ostara!
Hail Ostara
Lit Sun July 17, 2016Thank you Ostara, for...
Thank you Ostara, for being here even when I can't feel you.