Thank you Ostara, for being my protector . I've never heard of this aspect of you but you carry your seax proudly . It took quite a while before summer came , there hasn't been much Springtime anymore for years . But now it is here and all of that fear in April is over! Thank you for coming here , ignoring the date on the calendar and deciding what our world needs at what time.
Lit Fri May 06, 2016Thank you Ostara, for...
Thank you Ostara, for helping me through my time of need. And for helping me pass my classes.
Lit Wed April 20, 2016Hail Ostara!
Hail Ostara!
Lit Wed April 13, 2016Hail Ostara!
Hail Ostara,White-Clad Maiden !
Snow and ice melt at Your gaze, flowers bloom with each soft step.
We welcome You, we ask Your blessing.
In You we see the might of new life, thank You.