Thank you Ostara, for the beauty of spring and the warmth that you bring to our lives. Bless you Ostara today and all days.
Lit Thu March 16, 2017Hail Ostara!
Hail Ostara! O Beautiful one, bright-souled, ever-fair, eternal spring, light after darkness, loveliest dawning, bringer of bird and blossom, joy follows your footsteps, O Beloved most kindly and generous. Hail Eostre!
Lit Mon February 27, 2017Thank you Ostara, for...
Thank you Ostara, for the snowdrops blooming in my back yard
Lit Sun February 05, 2017Hail Ostara!
The tree outside my window has recently begun to bud. Every spring your blessing come!
Lit Fri February 03, 2017Hail Ostara!
Hail Ostara!
Lit Wed January 25, 2017Hail Ostara!
Hail Ostara,White-Clad Maiden !
Snow and ice melt at Your gaze, flowers bloom with each soft step.
We welcome You, we ask Your blessing.
In You we see the might of new life, thank You.
Lit Tue January 24, 2017Hail Ostara!
Hail Ostara!
Lit Thu January 12, 2017Thank you Ostara, for...
thank you for not existing anymore and clearing a path for the rest of us
Lit Fri January 06, 2017Hail Ostara!
Praise you, for your spring flowers have motivated me through my whole life, never failing to make me smile. I will honor you.