(Adapted shamelessly for
the Northern Traditionalist from Israel Regardie’s “The One-Year Manual”.)
Refrain (to be said before each of the four verses given below):
Hail to the House of Mundilfari,
In the turning of seasons, the passing of days.
Hail to the dawn and hail to the dusk
And to the passing of Time between them.
May You be honored unto the ages.
To be said upon arising:
Hail to Thee, Oh Sunna,
Who charges across the vault of heaven
In Your gleaming chariot
At the breaking of the dawn.
Hail to Thee and to Arvakr and Alsviðr:
Early Charger and Gleaming Whiteness,
Fleet-footed steeds of Thee, Mighty Sol,
Who stands in splendor at the reins.
Hail unto Thee from the Abodes of Night, Oh Goddess.
To be said at noon:
Hail unto Thee Who art Sunna Triumphant,
Who art in Thy beauty and splendor
Even as Thou rideth across the heavens
At the mid-point of day.
Hail to Thee, Oh Goddess, Who stands in majesty
At the helm of Thy chariot
Charting the course of the day.
Hail to Thee from the Abodes of Morning, Oh Goddess.
To be said at dusk:
Hail to Thee, Sunna, Who art sublime in Thy setting,
Even unto Thee, Whose journey gives us joy,
Who traverses the heavens in Thy gleaming chariot
At the closing of the day.
You stand in splendor at Thy chariot’s helm, mighty Goddess,
And none may contest Thy power.
Hail to Thee from the Abodes of Day, oh Goddess.
To be said at midnight:
Hail to Thee, Mani, beautiful in Thy rising,
Who travels across the vault of heaven in Thy gleaming chariot
At the midnight hour of the Sun.
Hail to Thee, Heaven’s Sweetness, and to the swift steeds
Who guide Thy chariot across the velvet expanse of night.
You stand in splendor at the helm of Thy chariot
And brighten the array of Nott.
Hail unto Thee from the Abodes of Evening, Oh Glorious God.