Thank you Mani, for the reminder to take a rest! Suna with all her beauty and energy teaches me to set my pace according to her pace, but you remind me to remember the importance of drawing back my energy… to value the importance of rest! To relax into the ebb and flow of energy! Thank you for that reminder
Lit Mon August 19, 2024Hail Mani!
Hail, Mani! Thank you for your magnifiscent light and guidance!
Lit Tue August 06, 2024Hail Mani!
Hi mani
Lit Fri June 28, 2024Hail Mani!
Hail Mani, Noble Prince of Silverlight!
Lit Fri June 28, 2024Hail Mani!
Hail Mani!
Lit Mon January 22, 2024Hail Mani!
Hail Mani!
Lit Fri December 22, 2023Hail Mani!
Hail Mani, Noble Prince of Silverlight!
Lit Mon December 18, 2023Hail Mani!
Hail Mani!
Lit Wed December 06, 2023Thank you Mani
Thank you Mani, for offering me comfort and warmth as I look to the moon and its beauty. Hail Mani!