of Sunna, as a herald, travels Daeg, or Day, a sky-etin who rides the red-bay
horse Skinfaxi. The horse's mane sheds light as it goes. Daeg is the son of
Nott by Delling, an Alfar lord whose name
means "Dawn". Delling and Nott were together only for a short time,
but their son is one of the few Jotun-Alfar hybrids that we know of.
Tall as a giant and beautiful as an elf, with hair of red-gold and eyes like the noon sky, Daeg combines the best of both races. While he has no wife that we know of, being too busy for such a thing, he takes lovers from many races, like his diversity-loving mother. Many are the folk of the Jotnar, Vanir, Aesir, and even some Alfar who have succumbed to his glowing smile. If there is someone whom he loves, however, it is Sunna, who is married to another and not interested in mixing romance with a co-worker.
- Invocation to Daeg by Raven Kaldera
- Hail to Daeg by Ari
- Prayer to Daeg by December Fields-Bryant