I see You
Playing Peek-A-Boo.
Smiling with childish delight -
Your joy with this game has not deminished throughout the millennia in which You've played it with my Kind and Kin.
Thank You Mani Mundilfarisson
For keeping me company on last night's late, long, lonely drive through an unknown city.
Thank You Mani Mundilfarisson
For seeing me safely to my destination.
Hail and Thank You.
Lit Tue July 02, 2013Hail Mani!
Hail Mani!
I wake early to watch as you peek into my room
All is well - Thank You for checking on me.
Lit Mon July 01, 2013Thank you Mani, for...
Thank you Mani, for listening to my awkward prattle as I make my way to work each night.