Thank you Daeg, for light you bring to see the World in its beauty. Hail!
Lit Wed January 25, 2017Hail Daeg!
Hail Daeg, Herald of the Day, bright and beautiful,Skinfaxi's Rider !
Thank You Daeg, for the beautiful certainty of Your daily visitations.
May you be forever praised.
Lit Tue December 13, 2016Hail Daeg!
Hail Daeg!
Lit Mon November 14, 2016Hail Daeg!
Hail Daeg!
Lit Fri November 04, 2016Hail Daeg!
Hail Daeg!
Lit Wed September 14, 2016Hail Daeg!
Hail Daeg!
Lit Wed August 17, 2016Hail Daeg!
Hail Daeg!
Lit Sun July 31, 2016Thank you Daeg
Thank you Daeg, for time to grow the crops that nourish us. Hail!