Hail Blith, Great Goddess of Mental Health! May You always be honoured, praised and remembered.
Lit Thu February 21, 2019Hail Blith!
Hail Blith!
Lit Tue February 19, 2019Please, Blith
Blith, please help me and my loved ones.
For this, I will light a candle in your honor.
Lit Thu February 14, 2019Hail Blith!
Hail Blith, Noble Lady of the Lyfjaberg who makes life once again colourful!
Lit Mon February 11, 2019Please, Blith
Blith, please help my Husband and I to understand each other better and open the lines of communication better. Please washout and help us to conquer the feelings of anger, hurt, anxiety, depression and worthiness. Help him to see the good in everyone and every situation as I do. Help him to not dwell in the past and continue to harbor hurt feelings. To a happy and healthier future together.
For this, I will hail you in my heart and mind daily.
Lit Thu February 07, 2019Hail Blith!
Hail Blith!
Lit Thu January 31, 2019Hail Blith!
Hail Blith!
Lit Thu January 24, 2019Hail Blith!
Hail Blith, Noble Lady of the Lyfjaberg who makes life once again colourful!