Hail Blith, Noble Lady of the Lyfjaberg who makes life once again colourful!
Lit Thu May 02, 2019Hail Blith!
Hail Blith!
Lit Thu April 25, 2019Hail Blith!
Hail Blith!
Lit Thu April 18, 2019Hail Blith!
Hail Blith!
Lit Fri April 12, 2019Hail Blith!
Hail Blith, Noble Lady of the Lyfjaberg who makes life once again colourful!
Sometimes by the grace of the Great Gods may I experience my disorder as a gift with sentiment and passion beyond all edge, others never will feel.
Sometimes by the grace of the Great Gods they enlighten my nightmares and give me back life.
Thank You for teaching me that I am stronger than fear, thank You for teaching me that my rage is my strength and thank You for teaching me that sometimes I have kind to die inside and to burn in my own flame, in order to rise from my own ashes.
Hail Blith, Gentle Guardian of the Mood Disorder!
I honour You and Your healing skills.
All hail the Great Gods !