Hail Jord, Great Mother of the Earth!
Thank You for Your blessing, thank You for Your gracious gifts.
Hail to the Greenest One!
Lit Mon August 21, 2017Hail Jord!
Thank you Jord, for Your mighty, fecund gifts.
Hail the Earthmother!
May You always be honoured.
Lit Sun August 13, 2017Hail Jord!
Hail Jörd, Mother Earth!
Mighty Jörd,encompassing Goddess,all comes from You.
Thank You for all Your gifts and blessings.
The honour is Yours.
May You always be hailed and may we walk upon the earth that is Your gift with mindfuless and respect.
Lit Wed July 12, 2017Thank you Jord!
Thank you Jord, for waking me up from my death sleep into a beautiful dawn, and making my newborn experience one of deep grounding, connection, and oneness.
Lit Tue June 06, 2017Hail Jord!
Hail Jord. Green and rain wet and welcoming scent to bees
Lit Mon May 22, 2017Hail Jord!
Hail Jord
Lit Sun April 30, 2017Thank you Jord!
Thank you Jord, for my many blessings
Lit Thu March 02, 2017Please, Jord
Jord, please help me move to the north
For this, I will heal the earth and your animals to the best of my ability
Lit Thu March 02, 2017Thank you Jord!
Thank you Jord, for your care of our home
Lit Thu February 23, 2017Thank you Jord!
Thank you Jord, for guiding me to your light, and holding my hand while walking the path you have shown me.