Hail Jörd, Lady of the Dark Earth!
Hail to the blessed Mother of the Thunderer!
Thank You for Your gracious and abundant gifts.
May You ever be praised, Greenest One.
Heil Dir Hohe, Göttin unserer Ahnen!
Hochheilige Erdmutter, Gesegnete Fjörgyn der Grünen Felder, wild und frei. Gütig und mächtig. Fruchtbar und freigiebig.
Gnädige Hüterin der Natur, möge Dein Segen Midgard erfüllen, und möge Dein Name auf immer erinnert sein!
Und lohne unsere Treue mit Treue.
So war es bei den Ahnen, so sei es bei uns.
Lit Sun January 19, 2025Hail Jord!
Hail Jörd, Mighty Goddess of the Green Fields!
I always see Your presence in nature and bow my head in awe.
Thank You, Mother of the Dark Soil for Your abundant gifts and gracious blessings.
Thank You Jörd of the Green Fields, for all that You provide.
Thank You for chirping swallows in the blue spring sky.
Thank You for the delicious smell of the red summer roses, wheatfields heavy on ears.
Thank You for golden trees, rich in fruits and a blessed autumn harvest.
Thank you for the calmness and silence, dancing snowflakes, winter peace.
May I be mindful of Your blessings.
Glory to the Eternal Goddess,the Great Earth Mother!
Lit Tue December 24, 2024Hail Jord!
Hail Jörd, Great Mother of the Earth!
All hail to the Magnificent Goddess of the Green Fields,wild and free. Powerful and fertile.
Thank You Jörd, for the beautiful Earth and the bounty of food and life.
Thank You for Your blessing, thank You for Your gracious gifts.
Hail to the Greenest One!
Please,Mighty EarthMother, keep our wild brothers and sisters safe from the hands of those without sense.
Please,Gracious Protectress of Nature,show me how may I ease Your pain.
Hail Jörd, Most Blessed Mother!
Lit Sun December 01, 2024Please, Jord
There are those in power who would strip the land of its protections. Most beautiful Jord, I ask that the power of the wild world strikes back at those who would do you harm. Nature is more powerful than man. I beg you Jord, defend us and defend yourself from the tyranny of those who exploit us.
Lit Thu November 21, 2024Thank you Jord!
Thank you for this day most beautiful and mighty Jord. Thank you for all my days, even the bad ones. I love you.
Lit Sun October 06, 2024Thank you Jord!
Thank you Jord, for the gifts of earth and tree, flower and stone, river and vine. May we strive to be humble and guard all you have granted us
Lit Sat September 21, 2024Hail Jord!
Hail Jord! Hail Jord! Hail Jord!
Lit Wed July 03, 2024Hail Jord!
"Remember that we all are brothers
All people, beasts, tree and stone and wind
We all descend from the one Great Being
That was always there
Before people lived and named it
Before the first seed sprouted"
(Heilung/Lifa /Opening ceremony)
All hail to the Sacred Lady of the Green Fields!
Blessed Mother of the Thunderer ,Protectress of Nature and it's creatures we praise You.
Thank You for Your steadfastness, thank You for Your gracious and abundant gifts.
May we always be mindful of Your bountiful blessings.
Lit Mon July 01, 2024Thank you Jord!
Thank you Jord, for giving me a light to begin to find my way home. Thank you for allowing me to begin to learn the stillness to keep the lamps burning for others in need.
Lit Fri June 28, 2024Thank you Jord!
Thank you Jord, for this very lovely first day at new job. You are in my heart always, praise you Jord <3