Hail Jörd, Great Mother of the Earth!
Thank You for Your blessing, thank You for Your gracious gifts.
Hail to the Greenest One!
Lit Mon October 23, 2017Hail Jord!
Thank you Jörd, for Your mighty, fecund gifts.
Hail the Earthmother!
May You always be honoured.
Lit Tue October 17, 2017Hail Jord!
Thank you Jörd, for Your mighty, fecund gifts.
Hail the Earthmother!
May You always be honoured.
Lit Mon October 09, 2017Hail Jord!
Hail Jörd, Mother Earth!
Mighty Jörd,encompassing Goddess,all comes from You.
Thank You for all Your gifts and blessings.
The honour is Yours.
May You always be hailed and may we walk upon the earth that is Your gift with mindfuless and respect.
Lit Thu October 05, 2017Hail Jord!
Hail Jord, Mother Earth!
Lit Mon October 02, 2017Hail Jord!
Hail Jörd, Mother Earth!
Mighty Jörd,encompassing Goddess,all comes from You.
Thank You for all Your gifts and blessings.
The honour is Yours.
Lit Mon September 25, 2017Hail Jord!
Hail Jord, Great Mother of the Earth!
May You always be honoured and may we walk upon the earth that is Your gift with mindfuless and respect.
Thank You for all.
Lit Mon September 11, 2017Hail Jord!
Hail Jörd, Lady of the Dark Earth!
Hail to the blessed Mother of the Thunderer!
Thank You for Your gracious and abundant gifts.
May You ever be praised, Greenest One.
Lit Sun September 10, 2017Hail Jord!
Hail Jord! Hail Jord! Hail Jord!
Lit Fri September 08, 2017Thank you Jord!
Thank you Jord, for your steadfastness. You are the link from older roads I have walked. I feel you under my feet at night when I get up to pee and go back to bed. That is sort of funny to say 'out loud', but you are there. So strong. like Mom tucking me back in bed. Hail the Goddess Earth.