Writings to Honor the Ancestors
- Honoring the Dead in the Northern Tradition by Galina Krasskova
- Honoring Hlin by Honoring the Dead by Galina Krasskova
- Tradition Building: The Power of Honoring the Dead by Galina Krasskova
- Ancestor Ritual of the Four Directions by Raven Kaldera
- Othala by Laura Patsouris
- Invocation to the Ancestors from the Pagan Book of Hours
- <i>Getting Started with Ancestor Veneration</i> by Devi Spring (offsite)
- <i>Our Pagan and Heathen Heroes and Martyrs</i> by Galina Krasskova (offsite)
- A Ritual to Elevate the Troubled Dead by Galina Krasskova
- Prayer Beads for the Pagan Ancestors
- Ancestor Invocation by Michaela Macha
- Because You Lived a song by Geordie Ingerson
- Prayer for the Ancestors by Raven Kaldera
- Solitary Rite for the Ancestors from "Candles in the Cave"