Lofn, please help me keep my fathers prying eye out of my sights. Help us keep our heads low and our love alight.
For this, I will give you offerings of sweets and milk. Hail lofn. Please aid me in my hour of need.
Lit Mon December 28, 2015Thank you Lofn
Thank you Lofn, for...
Lit Sun December 27, 2015Hail Lofn!
Hail Lofn!
Lit Fri December 25, 2015Thank you Lofn
Thank you Lofn, for helping me to simply write the application essay I've been struggling with for weeks.
Lit Fri December 25, 2015Please, Lofn
Lofn, permit me and aid me.
Spin the yarn. Dress the loom and place my hands upon it. Teach me to reweave my life with strong threads. Warp and weft. Confidence and competence. Shuttle and shot. Friendship and community. Cross and draft. Priestesshood and service.
Help me discard a veil of shame and silence. Guide me to weave a garment for dancing in vineyards. May it be the colors of gratitude, playfulness, and laughter. May its fringes remind me of my path.
I will offer comfort to the hurt and encourage speech in those who have been silenced. I will name the bullies and sing the praises of those who defeat them.
And I will remember you, Lofn. Berucha at Shechinah.