Fulla, please help the deal on this property goes through.
For this, I will plant a tree for you.
Lit Sat February 08, 2025Thank you Fulla
Thank you Fulla, for the ever-flowing stream of blessings in your bounty.
Lit Fri January 17, 2025Hail Fulla!
Hail Fulla, Great Goddess of Abundance!
May You always be honoured, praised and remembered!
Lit Sat December 21, 2024Thank you Fulla
Thank you Fulla, for your abundance of providing for us!
Lit Mon June 03, 2024Please, Fulla
Syn, venho lhe louvar e solicitar a que me ensine a dizer não, a impor melhor limites para os outros, para mim mesma nas minha fraquezas e para o quanto que as circunstancias da vida podem me atingir.
Peço que me ajude a ser mais facilidade nos meus estudos e na aprendizagem, que eu tenha mais sabedoria e que eu saiba ajudar aos outros tambem.
Peço que me proteja e a todos que amo, minha familia, quando eu não estiver por perto.
Eu serei grata e acenderei velas e incenso em sua homenagem.
Lit Sun November 19, 2023Thank you Fulla
Thank you Fulla, for the abundance that you give through the year, every year.
Lit Mon October 30, 2023Hail Fulla!
Thank You Fulla, for Your blessings!
May You always be honoured, praised and remembered!
Lit Thu September 28, 2023Hail Fulla!
Thank You Fulla, for Your blessings!
May You always be honoured,praised and remembered!
Lit Fri August 11, 2023Hail Fulla!
Thank You Fulla, for Your blessings!
Lit Fri August 11, 2023Hail Fulla!
Hail Fulla, Great Goddeds of Abundance!
May You always be honoured, praised and remembered!