Eir, please ensure my sister is healthy and that her tests reveal no underlying illness.
For this, I will offer you honey and light a candle on your altar.
Lit Mon August 26, 2024Please, Eir
Eir, please help me heal my mind from antidepressant withdrawal and depersonalization disorder.
For this, I will light a candle in you honor and will continue to fight everyday for recovery.
Lit Fri August 02, 2024Please, Eir
Eir, please help my Aunt Barbara, who is battling ovarian cancer. Please help her beat the cancer and fully recover.
For this, I will light a candle in your honor every night and give you an offering of honey.
Lit Fri August 02, 2024Thank you Eir
Thank you Eir, for Walking with me as I healed my brain from a third of a lifetime of truama. Thank you for encouraging me with synchronicities along the way to learn so that i may turn around now & help others heal in a similar fashion. xoxoxoxoxoxo -Moon MoonsEssentials.com
Lit Tue March 19, 2024Please, Eir
Eir, please help me towards a speedy, healthy recovery from my surgery.
For this, I will continue to follow the drs orders to take care of myself, and do my best ro RELAX.
Lit Sun December 24, 2023Please, Eir
Eir, please help my friend Erika who is suffering from Covid.
For this, I will light this candle and continue to help how I can and who I can
Lit Sun December 24, 2023Please, Eir
Eir, please help my friend Erika who is suffering from Covid.
For this, I will light this candle and continue to help how I can and who I can
Lit Sun December 24, 2023Please, Eir
Eir, please help my friend Erika who is suffering from Covid.
For this, I will light this candle and continue to help how I can and who I can