Hail Lofn, Mistress of Permission, Remover of the Blockages that keep two hearts apart. I call to you this night. Please help me, if it is meant to be with the one I feel my heart calling; help me see what I should, do what I should please clear whatever
Lit Sat November 05, 2016Thank you Lofn
Thank you Lofn, for my partner.
Lit Fri November 04, 2016Hail Lofn!
Hail Lofn!
Lit Thu October 27, 2016Hail Lofn!
Dear Lofn Goddess help me in the name of Gods and holy light.
White candle.
Lit Mon October 03, 2016Please, Lofn
Lofn, please lead her to happiness. Whether with me or not has little bearing so long as she is happy, though I do miss her.
For this, I will deal with any consequence short of losing her again.
Lit Mon September 26, 2016Please, Lofn
Lofn, please guide me towards insight into the true feelings of these two I love, and let me not stray into false conclusions, pessimism or wishful thinking.
Lit Sat September 24, 2016Thank you Lofn
Thank you Lofn for protecting my partner and I from those who may not agree with our lifestyle/love for each other. Thank you so much for what you have done, are doing, and may do for me and my partner.
Lit Mon September 19, 2016Please, Lofn
Lofn, if he wants to be with me, please assist my crush in confessing his feelings for me, and allow us to be together in our own way, away from the eyes of others who may judge us or disagree with our relationship.