Eir, please help my dad who had a mini stroke. Please make sure he heals fully and does not experience another stroke or dangerous medical event. May his treatment work and help him to stay healthy and thrive for many, many years to come.
For this, I will light a candle on your altar and offer you honey and drink.
Lit Wed February 23, 2022Hail Eir!
Hail Eir, Wonderful Goddess of Healing!
May You always be honoured, praised and remembered!
Lit Wed February 16, 2022Please, Eir
Eir, please help my wife as she is very sick and is sleeping alot. I ask that you guide the doctors hands.
For this, I will praise you and gift offering.
Lit Wed February 16, 2022Hail Eir!
Hail Eir, Wonderful Goddess of Healing!
May You always be honoured, praised and remembered!
Lit Wed February 09, 2022Hail Eir!
Hail Eir, Wonderful Goddess of Healing!
May You always be honoured, praised and remembered!
Lit Fri February 04, 2022Please, Eir
Eir, please help
me through this pain and struggle with health
For this, I will
Serve you by healing others as much as I can
Lit Wed February 02, 2022Hail Eir!
Hail Eir, Wonderful Goddess of Healing!
May You always be honoured, praised and remembered!
Lit Thu January 27, 2022Thank you Eir
Thank you Eir, for healing after surgery.
Lit Wed January 26, 2022Hail Eir!
Hail Eir, Wonderful Goddess of Healing!
May You always be honoured, praised and remembered!
Lit Wed January 19, 2022Hail Eir!
Hail Eir, Wonderful Goddess of Healing!
May You always be honoured, praised and remembered!