Hail Nidhöggr!
Hail the Great Dragon of the Root!
Thank You, Great Dragon , for Your valuable assignment.
Thank You, Great Recycler for devouring all the rot.
Thank You Great Ruler of Niflheim for Your precious work, allowing for new growth.
I honour You, Sacred Dragon of the Earth.
Lit Sat March 22, 2025Hail Nidhogg!
Hail Nidhöggr, Great Dragon of the Root!
Great honour to You and Your children.
Thank You, Great Recycler, for Your valuable, essential work.
Lit Sat March 15, 2025Hail Nidhogg!
Hail Nidhöggr!
Thank You Nidhöggr,Great Defender of Niflheim, for purifying the rot of the earth to bring about new life in the cycle of creation.
Hail the Great Dragon!
Hail toYou and all Your children.
Lit Fri March 07, 2025Nidhogg, please help...
Nidhogg, please help cleanse my shame in the deepest parts of my soul.
For this, I will make a consciouse effort to clean up the environment.
Lit Mon March 03, 2025Hail Nidhogg!
Hail Nidhöggr, Great Dragon of the Tree and the One who Gnaws at the Roots!
May You always be honoured, praised and remembered.
Lit Sun March 02, 2025Thank you Nidhogg, for...
Thank you Nidhogg, for great work of dissolving to be assembled into something new.
Lit Fri January 17, 2025Thank you Nidhogg, for...
Thank you Nidhogg, for your vital work churning, rotting, eating the dead matter so that life may move freely.
Lit Wed July 03, 2024Hail Nidhogg!
Hail Nidhöggr, Great Dragon of the Earth!
Great honour to You and all Your Children!
Hail Nidhöggr, Sacred Recycler!
Hail to You and all Your children.
Thank You for Your valuable lesson, that nothing is ever wasted.
Thank You for Your constant patience and sacrifices.
Lit Wed May 29, 2024Hail Nidhogg!
Hail Nidhöggr!Hail the Great Dragon!
Thank You for Your precious work, allowing for new growth.
I honour You, Sacred Dragon of the Earth.
Lit Sat May 04, 2024Hail Nidhogg!
Hail Nidhöggr, Great Dragon of the Earth!
Hail to the Great Defender of Niflheim!
Praise and gratitude to You, Sacred Gnawer of the Roots, for doing that which none other wishes to do, thank You for protecting and tending the low places, where none will see Your work.
Great honour to You and all Your Children!