Mordgud's Gifts
Offerings to the Dark Maiden
Mordgud is very wise for her youthful appearance, and has seen a great deal of tragedy pass by her, yet she still maintains an objective and fairly upbeat attitude. This is a valuable quality for those whose jobs require them to look upon the suffering of humanity, remain compassionate, and yet not be dragged down into that sorrow themselves. As such, Mordgud can help people maintain that compassionate objectivity, and not give in to burnout and "compassion fatigue", as it is often called in the helping professions. She is a good companion and advisor for hospice workers and emergency rooms. As Guardian of the Gate of Death, she can be called upon to help people pass peacefully into the next life, and to support those who are on death vigil, waiting for a loved one to pass over.
Like Heimdall, Mordgud also blesses and watches over those who stand guard, such as security guards and watchpeople. However, while either of them will bless any guard, Mordgud has a special place in her heart for those who stand guard in difficult and heart-wrenching places, such as prisons and mental institutions. She can be called upon not only to keep a guardian safe and alert, but to keep them from giving in to despair or hard-heartedness.
Mordgud is a martial artist, and is one of the many Gods who help those who practice those arts. She is less a trainer and more a coach, however; her gift is to motivate people to get out and practice, and keep their spirits up while they do it. Dedicating a daily routine of practice to her - especially if it takes place in the evening - is a good offering.
The Dark Maiden of Helheim likes the colors of black and purple, especially things that are black and shiny like her armor. She enjoys offerings of cooked meat and dark beer, or other dark, smoky liquors like scotch.