Thank you Mengloth, for all your help. I am forever grateful.
Lit Sat March 04, 2017Hail Mengloth!
Hail Mengloth!
Lit Sun February 26, 2017Hail Mengloth!
I give praise to Mengloth!
Lit Wed February 15, 2017Hail Mengloth!
Hail the mighty healer!
Lit Sun January 29, 2017Please, Mengloth
Mengloth, please help
Joseph be completely healed from his depression and suicidal thoughts.
For this, I will welcome you into my home and honor you.
Lit Fri January 27, 2017Please, Mengloth
Mengloth, please help my girlfriend's grandfather, he had a stroke. I pray to you asking that you help him recover, and if he is too far gone, then please ease his passing
For this, I will make an offering unto you, Hail Mengloth!!!