Mengloth, please help me be, accept, and use my gifts. To heal myself and others.
For this, I will honor you and remember you.
Lit Mon February 18, 2019Thank you Mengloth
Thank you Mengloth!
Lit Fri February 15, 2019Hail Mengloth!
Hail Mengloth, Healing Hands!
Lit Fri February 15, 2019Hail Mengloth!
Hail Mengloth! Hail to the Noble Lady of Lyfjaberg!
Lit Thu February 14, 2019Hail Mengloth!
Hail Mengloth!
Hail to the Noble Lady of Lyfjaberg!
We pray Your healing hands,Jeweled One.
May You always be honoured.
Lit Thu February 14, 2019Hail Mengloth!
Hail, Mengloth, Healing Hands!
Lit Mon February 11, 2019Please, Mengloth
Mengloth, please help keep myself and my family in good health mentally, spiritually and physically. Help us to see things clearly and to continue to grow stronger together.
For this, I will honor you with the crystal necklace I wear constently that my daughter made for me. It is always close to my heart where you are hailed. Hail the Jeweled One!
Lit Thu February 07, 2019Hail Mengloth!
Hail Mengloth! Hail to the Jeweled One!
Lit Thu February 07, 2019Hail Mengloth!
Hail Mengloth! Hail to the Jeweled One!
Lit Wed February 06, 2019Please, Mengloth
Mengloth, please help all my skin be healthy again.
For this, I will offer you a golden necklace that is a family heirloom. I'll see it and think of you, I'll wear it when I am closer to you.