Hail Mengloth, Great Goddess of Healing and Remedies!
May You always be honoured, praised and remembered.
Lit Thu April 14, 2022Hail Mengloth!
Hail Mengloth!
Hail to the Noble Lady of Lyfjaberg!
Lit Thu April 07, 2022Hail Mengloth!
Hail Mengloth!
Hail to the Noble Lady of Lyfjaberg!
We praise Your healing hands, Jeweled One!
May You always be honoured!
Lit Thu March 31, 2022Hail Mengloth!
Hail Mengloth! Hail to Jeweled One!
May You always be honoured!
Lit Tue March 29, 2022Hail Mengloth!
Hail Mengloth!
Hail to the Noble Lady of Lyfjaberg!
Lit Thu March 24, 2022Hail Mengloth!
Hail Mengloth!
Hail to the Noble Lady of Lyfjaberg!
We praise Your healing hands, Jeweled One!
May You always be honoured!
Lit Wed March 23, 2022Please, Mengloth
Mengloth, señora de Gastropnir, yo te pido luz y guía para honrarte y honrar a las damas del Lyfjaberg, para caminar el sendero de ascenso a tu fortaleza y encontrar en mi camino respuestas y sanación.
A cambio yo te ofrezco una vela blanca, junto con las velas de tus damas, para honrarte y honrar tu conocimiento sobre la salud.
¡Salve, diosa de manos sanadoras y de corazón honrado!
Lit Thu March 17, 2022Hail Mengloth!
Hail Mengloth! Hail to Jeweled One!
Lit Thu March 10, 2022Hail Mengloth!
Hail Mengloth! Hail to Jeweled One!
May You always be honoured!
Lit Thu March 03, 2022Hail Mengloth!
Hail Mengloth!
Hail to the Noble Lady of Lyfjaberg!
We praise Your healing hands, Jeweled One!
May You always be honoured!