Hail Hlifthrasa, Great Goddess of Lungs Healing!
May You always be honoured, praised and remembered.
Lit Thu May 18, 2023Hail Hlifthrasa!
Hail Hlifthrasa, Mighty Help-Breather!
thank You for the marvellous herbal remedy.
Thank You for Your gracious help.
Hail to the Gentle Goddess of the Sacred Breath
Lit Thu May 11, 2023Hail Hlifthrasa!
Hail to the Gracious Lady of Sacred Breath!
Great honour to You!
Thank You for Your rescue.
Lit Sat May 06, 2023Hail Hlifthrasa!
Hail Hlifthrasa, goddess of the Ond and the energy of Breath. Hail to you, and be thank you for your noble work.
Lit Thu April 27, 2023Hail Hlifthrasa!
Hail Hlifthrasa,Teacher of the Sacred Breath!
Thank you Hlifthrasa, for Your gracious help.
Lit Fri April 07, 2023Hail Hlifthrasa!
Hail Hlifthrasa, Great Goddess of Lungs Healing!
May You always be honoured, praised and remembered.
Lit Sun April 02, 2023Please, Hlifthrasa
Hlifthrasa, please help my Sarcoidosis
For this, I will honor you always and help others with this disease
Lit Thu March 23, 2023Hail Hlifthrasa!
Hail Hlifthrasa, Mighty Help-Breather!
thank You for the marvellous herbal remedy.
Thank You for Your gracious help.
Hail to the Gentle Goddess of the Sacred Breath
Lit Thu March 16, 2023Hail Hlifthrasa!
Hail Hlifthrasa, Great Goddess of Lungs Healing!
May You always be honoured, praised and remembered.
Lit Tue March 14, 2023Please, Hlifthrasa
Слава Хлифтрасе!
Слава Милостивой Госпоже Священного Дыхания!
Отчисти мои легкие от инфекции, верни мой голос. Восстанови мою Вишудху, чтобы я смогла найти правильные слова в равновесии духовного и материального.
Мое подношение будет твой любимый камень содалит и 3 медитации, а так же статья про тебя, чтобы как можно больше людей узнали о твоем даре исцеления!