Hail Eir, Great Goddess of Healing!
May You always be honoured, praised and remembered!
Lit Mon October 30, 2023Hail Eir!
Hail Eir!
Lit Thu October 26, 2023Please, Eir
Eir, please help I fear for my health, please hold your hand over me, protect me so I may live to see many more years.
For this, I will set up your altar and if you lead me down this path, I will become a midwife.
Lit Fri October 20, 2023Thank you Eir
Thank you Eir, for guiding me and helping me in facing my pain and my fears.
Lit Thu October 19, 2023Please, Eir
Eir, please help my closest spirit recover and regain strength and health in body and mind. Please lend them warmth in these cold days
For this, I will do what I can to help them and others in my life, and try to learn to praise and worship nature and its powers.
Lit Thu October 19, 2023Please, Eir
Eir, please help
My pain feels too much to bear, I do not know how to alleviate it. Help me through this pain and guide the doctor to help me overcome sickness.
For this, I will start to build a herbal apothecary, I will dedicate a space to you when I get the opportunity, I will offer healing to those close to me, in your name.
Lit Tue October 17, 2023Please, Eir
Eir, please help
Chrisys back and kidneys to heal and please reduce his pain.
For this, I have carved you a wooden pestle and mortar, thank you <3 xxxxx
Lit Mon October 16, 2023Hail Eir!
Hail Eir, Great Goddess of Healing!
May You always be honoured, praised and remembered!