Blith, please ward away doubts and depression and drive away this insomnia
For this I will always be gratefully. To you
Lit Mon March 06, 2017Hail Blith!
Hail Blith
Lit Wed January 25, 2017Hail Blith!
Hail Blith!
Lit Sat November 19, 2016Please, Blith
Blith, please help my friend in her time of need. Please help her with her anxiety and depression.
For this, I will spread happiness wherever I go.
Lit Sat October 29, 2016Please, Blith
Blith, please help my mom with her depression after her surgery.
For this, I will bring happiness to those in need.
Lit Fri October 28, 2016Hail Blith!
Hail Blith!
Lit Mon September 26, 2016Please, Blith
Blith, please help me recover from the issues causing depression and anxiety.Find treatment and remedies. Remove blockages, so I can move on to a better life. Hail!
Lit Thu September 22, 2016Please, Blith
Blith, please help me with my institutionalization in the next month, please let this be the final, helpful time.
For this, I will find and relentlessly help others like me who have suffered so long they believe they are beyond help. To inspire them, befriend them, pay to help them on their feet again.