Thank you Holda, for the many blessings in my life
Lit Sun October 04, 2015Hail Holda!
Hail Holda!
Lit Wed September 16, 2015Hail Holda!
Hail Holda!
Lit Wed September 16, 2015Thank you Holda, for...
Thank you Holda, for gifts given to me for health, and home. May the house altar please you. Hail!
Lit Wed September 09, 2015Hail Holda!
Hail Holda!
Lit Sun September 06, 2015Holda, please help...
Holda, please help me to understand you and your relationship to me. I seek to know the paganism of my German ancestors and much is lost. You are a miracle staying strong hidden in plain sight.
For this, I will make you an offering when the snows come.
Lit Sat September 05, 2015Hail Holda!
Hail Holda!
Lit Thu September 03, 2015Thank you Holda, for...
Thank you Holda, for appearing to me. I very much need your assistance.