Hail Mother Holda, Protector of the Home and Hearth!
All hail to the Silver-Haired Goddess who spins magic and knits winter.
Your gifts and blessings are overflowing the world Great Mother of the Hearth.
Please, provide me warmth of the Hearth and peace of the home.
Please, open my ears to hear You, please open my eyes to see with thanks the gifts I recieve and please open my heart for Your wisdom, let Your feathers fly.
For this I will offer You the skills of my hands, head and heart - to craft things to delight the eye and the heart and I will always bake my bread to Your honour.
Blessed Lady, may I honour You with my daily labors.
May Your name always be spoken with respect from every tongue!
Lit Sat February 08, 2025Thank you Holda, for...
Thank you Holda, for the loving nurturing that sustains me daily.
Lit Mon February 03, 2025Holda, please help...
Lit Sun February 02, 2025Holda, please help...
Holda, please guide me in my journey to adulthood by helping me learn to keep my house in order.
For this, I will commit to a daily 1/2 hour of devotional housecleaning.
Lit Sun January 19, 2025Hail Holda!
Hail Holda,Great Nurturing Mother!
All hail to the Queen of Matrons, Leader of the wild and furious hunt,Protectress of the feral animals.
Thank You Mighty White Goddess, for your tender compassion and strong shelter when I feel unsafe.
Please give Your boons to my knitting needles and wool, to my breadflour and oven that I may create artifacts of utility and beauty.
Blessed Lady, You are worthy of our praise and offerings.
Lit Fri January 17, 2025Thank you Holda, for...
Thank you Holda, for your light in the darkest months of the year. Where the cold and solitude creates an environment to appreciate all your gifts and keep us strong to care for our families and children. May your be blessed Mother Goddess!
Lit Fri January 17, 2025Hail Holda!
Lit Thu December 05, 2024Hail Holda!
I praise you, gentle and fiercesome Goddess, mother of my homeland, reminder of home. May I one day return to your arms, among your rolling mountains and evergreen forests.
Lit Fri August 30, 2024Holda, please help...
Holda, please help
Great Goddess of the land I live in and the lands I travel,
Great Goddess of our old European ancestresses,
Great Goddess, protector of women,
I hail you and I honor you,
Great Goddess I thank you for all your gifts, insights and lessons since arriving and now living in your homeland,
Great Goddess, I am lost in patriarchy, I cannot find my way back to the strength, knowledge and wisdom of our ancestresses,
Please show me how to get to know you better, pray to you and honour you,
Please help me with staying on the path I am following,
Please show me means and ways to find the energy to get up in the morning, to get through the day with energy and strength, to concentrate on my studies, to do my work without failing, to pass in mainstream society and among my colleagues, to be able to sleep at night.
Please help me in getting through my studies and finding work with decent pay so I can live in such a way as to support my pagan community, friends and family that are dear to me, Mother Earth and those of her children who are in need.
Blessed be /|\
Lit Tue August 20, 2024Holda, please help...
Holda, please help with this coming transition in which I will be responsible for more upkeep of our home. I am feeling overwhelmed and a bit lost.
For this, I will build a place for you on my altar and leave an offering to the land spirits.