Light a Virtual Candle for the Ancestors

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Lit Tue April 05, 2011
I light this candle in honor of my darling grandparents, Molly and Jimmy. I miss having you on this plane with me, but I feel your presence always. Guide me now as you always did, to walk with love and hope in my heart.
Lit Tue April 05, 2011
I light this candle in honor of my Grandpa Datema who crossed an ocean in a time of war to join his family and whose life made mine possible.
Lit Tue April 05, 2011
I light this candle in honor of my adopted mom Fuensanta Plaza. She was the miracle of my life, the witness to *me* and she made me a better human being. Be ever hailed, Mutti, as you are ever loved.
Lit Mon April 04, 2011
I light this candle in honor of my Gramma Mildred and Grampa Owen who were my childhood example of a loving and working marriage. May they be together in each others' arms.
First | Previous | Showing candles 1641 to 1644 of 1644