I light this candle in honor of All the Woman, mothers, sisters, cousins, aunts and daughters that guide and have guided in the past the generations of their future toward this moment in our present. I honor their strength, compassion, ingenuity,determination,sacrefice, laughter, joy in living and wisdom shared. May their light as the light of this candle illuminate the darkness, give comfort to the lost and provide welcome to those seeking their homecomming. HAIL!
Lit Mon May 02, 2011
I light this candle in honor of my grandfathers, both generous beyond compare, and who loved me even if they did not understand me.
Lit Sun May 01, 2011
I light this candle in honor of my twin brother, Samuel. Loved and missed for twenty four years.
Lit Sat April 30, 2011
I light this candle in honor of Frank Chimes (Wulfmann), an Anglo-Saxon Heathen, mystic and elder in the Ealdriht. May his ancestors welcome him into their hallowed halls with honor. He will be missed.
Lit Fri April 29, 2011
I light this candle in honor of, and for the Progression of the soul of Cleabo Valeria Grooms-Pate
Lit Thu April 28, 2011
I light this candle in honor of my mother Sherryl Taylor. She was a great mother and I still miss her alot. She was a strong, fiery creative woman. I hope she is in a good place.
Lit Thu April 28, 2011
I light this candle in honor of my mom and grandmother two very strong women
Lit Mon April 25, 2011
I light this candle in honor of Carlton Glore
Lit Mon April 25, 2011
I light this candle in honor of my father; I never understood you but I know how tortured you were in life. I hope the peace you seek has been found
Lit Mon April 25, 2011
I light this candle in honor of my uncle Bronislaw, a wonderful man, good father, son, uncle and friend. We miss you man