Light a Virtual Candle for the Ancestors

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Lit Sun July 10, 2011
I light this candle in honor of Maddie, my loving mother... for Amy and Gardner, my wonderful Grandparents... for Lottie, Jane, and Bessy, who molded the family. Your memories live on in the thankful hearts of your descendants.
Lit Sat July 09, 2011
I light this candle in honor of all our collective ancestors, who are on the move and demanding our attention. May they be hailed. Their work is a wonderful thing to see!
Lit Fri July 08, 2011
I light this candle in honor of Aline Maria Leal.
Lit Tue July 05, 2011
I light this candle in honor of my twin, Samuel, who walked the Helroad before I learned to walk. The pain of your passing never fades. Lady Hela keep you safe until we meet again, little brother.
Lit Thu June 30, 2011
I light this candle in honor of all my ancestors, those whose names are known to me and those whose names have been lost to time.
Lit Sat June 25, 2011
J'allume cette bougie en l'honneur de mon Père qui doit courir avec les Loups dans l'Autre Monde. Je ne t'oublie pas.
Lit Sat June 18, 2011
I light this candle in honor of Nana, may you always be that wind upon my cheek.
Lit Wed June 15, 2011
This candle is for the Blanchard family and the Grandfathers and Grandfathers; you and yours have been an immense blessing in my life for which I will always be grateful. May you always be hailed!
Lit Sat June 04, 2011
I light this candel in hornor of our grant i loved him so much and always will youll never be forgoton :'( xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Lit Fri June 03, 2011
I light this candle in honor of Stefanie. May you find comfort in the waiting arms of Mother Hela, and the peace and compassion you never knew in life.
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