Light a Virtual Candle for the Ancestors

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Lit Tue April 10, 2012
I light this candle in honor of my newly reclaimed beloved ancestors who made themselves known to me through photographs and stories coming to light:
My great great aunt Zdenka P., my maternal great grandparents Anna & Karel S. and Marie V and all others, known and unknown, of my mother's and father's lineage. Also for Monica S., Mary & Roy L. and Bertha W.
I thank you for coming back into my life and may our connection grow ever stronger!
Lit Tue April 03, 2012
I light this candle in honor of All my unknown ancestors that are always around me, watching over me, thank you, I love you all, love 13
Lit Fri March 30, 2012
I light this candle in honor of Grandpa Syndey Davis who was wonderful artist , who died before I was born. I wish I could live up to half his potential.
Lit Tue March 27, 2012
I light this candle in honor of my friend Petros Danas. Petros was killed 17 years ago today, March 27, 1995. Most of his friends believe he was killed for being gay.
Lit Sun March 18, 2012
I light this candle in honor of Tom B., who was my friend and served many as a mentor of great compassion and kindness. Many things that would otherwise have been lost have been handed down due to his wisdom. Dear friend, I look forward to the day when I see you again. Hailsa!
Lit Thu March 15, 2012
I light this candle in honor of my Parents, N. Hale and Betty M.
Thank you for revealing yourselves and walking with me through the Park.
Thank you for reminding of the delights of Spring-Time.
Hail! May you Rest in the Peace that you have earned.
May you rest deeply in my heart and the hearts of your Family.
Lit Mon March 12, 2012
I light this candle in honor of all my ancestors. Hail!
Lit Tue February 21, 2012
I light this candle in honor of my great aunt Betty who past because of congestive heart failure at 64 years of age.
Lit Wed February 15, 2012
I light this candle in honor of parents and grandparents adn fallen comrades...
Lit Wed February 08, 2012
I light this candle in honor of my friends Perry & Lisa. They lost their child at 23 weeks in the womb.
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