I light this candle in honor of all my ancestors, and above all for my grandfather and grandgrandfather. I miss you.
Lit Sun April 21, 2013
I light this candle in honor of all my ancestors. Thank you for watching over me.
Lit Sun April 21, 2013
I light this candle in honor of Grandpa Harry
Lit Sun April 21, 2013
I light this candle in honor of all the pagan martyrs
Lit Mon April 15, 2013
I light this candle in honor of all those who have come before me. I stand upon the shoulders of giants.
Lit Sat April 13, 2013
I light this candle in honor of families who kept together giving each other joy and safety and people who support each other though lifetime
Lit Tue April 09, 2013
I light this candle in honor of my ancestors
Я зажигаю эту свечу, чтобы почтить моих предков
Please, help me get along with my father and still be myself
Пожалуйста, помогите мне наладить отношения с моим отцом, оставаясь при этом собой
Thank you for the life you gave us
Спасибо за жизнь
Lit Tue April 09, 2013
I light this candle in honor of of my ancestors for their blessing and help in these troubling times.
Lit Sun April 07, 2013
Я зажигаю эту свечу для моих предков. Ваша жизнь и ваш выбор дали мне мою жизнь, бабушки и дедушки, прабабушки и прадедушки, предки, которых я знаю и не знаю. В пояс кланяюсь, спасибо за жизнь.
Lit Sun April 07, 2013
I light this candle in honor of my ancestors, those who I know and don't know. Thank you for my life. I respect you.