Light a Virtual Candle for the Ancestors

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Lit Fri May 31, 2013
I light this candle in honor of my be love father
Lit Mon May 27, 2013
I light this candle in honor of the forgotten and unknown war dead of all lands. May you rest in peace at last.
Lit Fri May 24, 2013
I light this candle in honor of my parents-in-law, Jim and Pat.
I love your son, and I remember you.
Lit Fri May 17, 2013
I light this candle in honor of my paternal grandparents.
Lit Wed May 01, 2013
I light this candle in honor of Great-grandfather and Great-grandmother, Прабабушка и Прадедушка. I honour you.
Lit Tue April 30, 2013
Prayer of intercession

Hail Mighty Woden, Hail to You, Lord of the nine worlds!
Hail to You, Lady Freya, Beloved Goddess of real love!

I come to Your sacred altar to pray in favour of Unity Valkyrie Mitford. You know her, she is your daughter too. Many people told a lot of lies about her, but in reality she was a good girl, only misguided, ill-informed, and confused. But in the inner of her heart she only wanted to be loved and tried to do the best for her country, in the spite of the fact that the results were very bad. You, Mighty Woden, know the truth because You can look into her heart. But You, Allfather Woden, by Your wisdom You can teach her so that she can realise her mistakes.
Therefore I kindly ask You, Mighty Lord Woden, Beloved Lady Freya, to bless her soul and to give her a rightful place in Valhalla or even in Fensalir.
In true love
Lit Sat April 27, 2013
I light this candle in honor of Issac, Monte and Audrey.
Lit Sat April 27, 2013
I light this candle in honor of Jack
Lit Sat April 27, 2013
I light this candle in honor of my beloved dead: my grandparents and my father.
Lit Sat April 27, 2013
Кланяюсь вам, бабушки и дедушки
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