Light a Virtual Candle for the Ancestors

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Lit Sat August 09, 2014
I light this candle to honor my grandparents. May the altar please them as I continue to remember the lessons they taught me, and from that, continue to learn.
Lit Thu July 31, 2014
I light this candle in honor of rhea Siriban who needs prayer of
Protection and guidance.regarding work problems .she wants to pass through this without problems.
Lit Thu July 31, 2014
I light this candle in honor of my lene lanape grandmother tho you stand in the begining of my family we still remember you thank you
Lit Tue July 29, 2014
I light this candle in honor of my Great-Grandma Alfhilda Alfvegren. I am trying to piece together the bits of knowledge you left me. I am so proud to be yours.
Lit Sat July 26, 2014
I light this candle in honor of my friend's younger brother. May he find rest and peace and his family healing and comfort.
Lit Fri July 25, 2014
We as a husband and wife - light this candle to honour all of our ancestors those we knew and those that are unknown to us. We are hoping for guidance from you on how we can help you and to remove our obstacles. Thank you for all your sacrifices and hard work. We would not be here if it wasn't for you. Forgive us for not acknowledging you before. God Bless.
Lit Wed July 23, 2014
I light this candle in honor of today youth,who lives are being cut short. may the ancestor guide you in the spirit realm
Lit Mon July 21, 2014
I light this candle in honor of my great-grandmother, who loved me very much, though she died when I was an infant. May your afterlife be blessed Gaga.
Lit Wed July 16, 2014
I light this candle in honor of my grandfather and grandmother. I wish for their peace and liberation! Hare Ram Hare Ram, Ram Ram Hare Hare, Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare!
Lit Wed July 16, 2014
I light this candle in honor of grandfather and grandmother. I wish for their peace and liberation! Hare Ram Hare Ram, Ram Ram Hare Hare, Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare!
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