I light this candle in honor of Ymir and Audhumla & Ask and Embla.
Lit Mon April 13, 2015
I light this candle in honor of the ancestors.
Lit Sun April 12, 2015
I light this candle in honor of the ancestors.
Lit Sat April 11, 2015
I light this candle in honor of the ancestors.
Lit Fri April 10, 2015
I light this candle in honor of the ancestors.
Lit Thu April 09, 2015
I light this candle in honor of of the ancestors who accept me because I belong nowhere.
Lit Wed April 08, 2015
I light this candle in honor of my ancestors, from the very first down to my parents. To all those who stand behind me through every success and failure, hail.
Lit Wed April 08, 2015
I light this candle in honor of my ancestors.
Lit Tue April 07, 2015
I light this candle in honor of Carol, Kenneth, James, Jacques, Jean, and those whose names I never learned. Hail.