Primal Fire: Surt Speaks

by Ari

Surt3you think you know me

but you know nothing

or, rather, you know not nothingness

but I do, I know it well.

I was the first spark in the dark

born from the womb of my eternal mother

you name her Ginnungagap.

I am named to be Her child.

I held the wand of fire

and the lava beaches flowed

and there was warmth in the cold

light in the darkness

as it was before, so shall it be again.


the great cloud births stars

the stars explode with light

and burn until they burn away

to the perfect intensity of a white cinder.


I watched the giants born of wind and water

but wind and water are ephemeral things

so I sent my blood to them

I sent my sons and daughters to them

to warm their blood, to prepare them

for the Flood I saw would come

that they might be ready for the exodus

that they might become the heirs

of mountains, the masters of forests,

that other races might take this spark

and let my children teach them survival.



this tree of nine worlds

is not the first world I saw born

the first torch I lit

the first ice I melted

nor will it be the last.

old? old? You know nothing

of age. You know nothing

of the intensity of a perfect white cinder

lying in wait to birth new stars.

I do not speak of these things

for even the Gods do not understand.


do you understand?

do you understand?

do you understand?


all that is born in fire

ends in fire...

and nothing ever ends.

you think you know me

but you know



Artwork by Annomunnus.