Surt's Gifts

Offerings to the Lord of Fire

Surt gives the gift of energy and courage, the fire within. He is the force that lights the spark within you, when you are feeling unmotivated. He is especially fond of dancers and musicians, and can be called upon for inspiration. He teaches how to heal with fire.

Colors: Red, Orange

Symbols: Fire

Altar Suggestions: Large red candles, or even better, a brazier. Lava rocks, flint and steel, ashes and burned twigs, copper spheres. Gorse plant, horseradish, nettles, white dittany (gas plant). The rune Cweorth.

Food and Drink: Anything, but cook it to blackening first. Fresh fruit, particularly citrus fruits.

Service Offerings: Burn things that are no longer needed. Learn to make fire with flint and steel or some other “primitive” method. Learn to work with the element of fire.

Contraindicated: Green growing things, and any proximity to an Aesir altar, especially an Odin altar.


Artwork by Matthew Ross Crafton.