Invocation to Surt

by Galina Krasskova

Surt6Hail to the Lord of the land of fire!
Hail to Surt the even handed!
Hail to the Lord of Muspellheim,
Who witnessed the birthing of worlds.

Eldest of beings, Master of flame,
Within Your grasp lie all the secrets of creation.
Within Your hands lie too

The mysteries of destruction.


From the fire that birthed our world,

That balanced the ice of Niflheim,

To the heat of friction

From which our progenitor Ymir sprung,

To the fire that is our sun,

That lives within each flaming star,

To the fire of the hearth that warms our bodies,

Cooks our food, lights our way:

Your blessings sustain our world.

You are patient teacher, wise lord, mighty warrior, compassionate healer.

I have seen You in all of these guises.

I will honor You first and best for that gift

which we of all the peoples of the world never had to steal,

that gift which You offered for our protection and vitality

from Your hands alone: the gift of fire.

It is through You that our worlds exploded into being

and it is through Your gift of flame,

that we learned to survive in a harsh and unyielding world.

But for this gift, we would not be.

First among many, eldest champion, I thank You for Your blessings.


Hail Surt, Lord of Muspellheim!


Hail Surt, the even-handed!
Hail Surt, ancient master of fire,
from whose hands blessings flow.


Artwork by Manuel Rodriguez Rojas.