Light a Flame for Surt

Light a virtual flame for Surt

Gratitude Praise Request

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Lit Sun August 08, 2021 Hail Surt!

Hail Surt!
Hail the Mighty Lord of Muspelheim,
Great Master of Destruction and Construction.
May You always be honoured, Noble Eldest of the Elders.
Thank You, Black Lord for creating the universes, thank You for enlightening Ginnungagap.
Great honour to the the Primal and Eternal Flame.
Heil Dir Surt, dem ewig Seienden, dem ewig Beständigen !
Lit Mon August 02, 2021 Hail Surt!

The honour is Yours.
Hail Obsidian Lord, Bringer of the spark of Creation and Destruction!
Hail to You, the Primal Flame that shines in the Dark!
Hail Glorious Master of Muspelheim whose flaming blade began life in the Nine Worlds, whose flaming blade will end all worlds!
Great King of Muspelheim,Lord of Lords, Your wisdom is endless, Your power immeasurable,Your soul is of the force that births universes.
Please, bless us with Your blazing might.
Lit Sun July 25, 2021 Hail Surt!

Hail Surt, Noble Lord of Muspelheim, Glorious King of Fire!
May You always be honoured!
You are the Bringer of first red light that shines in the dark. You are the Eternal Flame, which stars and universes give birth. Hail the First!
Thank You, Great Master.
Lit Sun July 18, 2021 Hail Surt!

Hail Surt,Sacred First upon the World-Tree!
Hail to the Blazing Father of Muspel's Sons.
Yours is the power of the fiery dephts, Yours is the will that birth universes, Yours is the wisdom beyond all.
May You ever be praised, Lord of Lords, Great King of Muspelheim.
Lit Wed July 14, 2021 Hail Surt!

Hail Surt! Hail Surt! Hail Surt!
Lit Tue July 13, 2021 Hail Surt!

Hail Surt! Hail Surt! Hail Surt!
Lit Mon July 12, 2021 Hail Surt!

Hail Surt! Hail Surt! Hail Surt!
Lit Sun July 11, 2021 Hail Surt!

Hail Surt,Wise Lord and Mighty Warrior of the Land of Fire!
You are the First among all , Great King of Muspel's Realm.
You are beginning and end, creation and destruction, Wisest One of the Primal Flame.
I adore You for Your power and wisdom, Your passion and might.
Lord of Lords, all honour to You.
Lit Sun July 04, 2021 Hail Surt!

Hail Surt!
Hail the Mighty Lord of Muspelheim,
Great Master of Destruction and Construction.
May You always be honoured, Noble Eldest of the Elders.
Thank You, Black Lord for creating the universes, thank You for enlightening Ginnungagap.
Great honour to the the Primal and Eternal Flame.
Heil Dir Surt, dem ewig Seienden, dem ewig Beständigen !
Lit Sun June 27, 2021 Hail Surt!

Hail Surt, Lord of Lords, Eldest of the Elders!
Hail the Glorious Heart of Muspelheim, Mighty Father of the Burning Lands!
All Hail to Thee, the First, the Last and the Everlasting!
All Glory to Thee, the Ancient One, when the Gods just were young!
All Adoration to Thee, the First Spark in the Dark
born from the womb of the Eternal Mother, Ginnungagap!
Hail to the Flaming Sword of Fury,
burning in splendour of 1000 suns !
Great honour to You.
Thank You for You and Your fires of wisdom, passion and force.
May You keep Your flame alive in me.
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