Hermod is a
psychopomp God who guides people to and from the Underworld. Some tales
indicate that Hermod was a son of Odin; others say that he was Odin’s page.
These two conditions would not necessarily be mutually exclusive; the sons of a
king might indeed act as his page, especially minor sons or those born out of
When Baldur died and walked the road to Helheim, Frigga hoped that an exception could be made for her youngest son. She asked the Aesir if any of them wanted to “gain all her love and favor” by riding to Helheim and asking the Queen of the Dead for mercy. Hermod stepped forward to do the task, and was lent Odin’s steed Sleipnir for the job. He rode for nine days and nine nights, and met the guardian goddess Mordgud at the river Gjoll. Mordgud told him that Baldur had passed over the bridge and through the Hel Gate the night before. He entered Hel’s Gate, and knelt before her to ask for Baldur’s life.
Hela told him that Baldur could be reborn if all creatures wept for him, and Hermod returned from Helheim to give the news for Frigga. Baldur gave Hermod the ring Draupnir which had been burned with him on his funeral pyre, to show that they had spoken. Nanna gave him a linen robe for Frigga and a finger-ring for Fulla.
Of course, the end of the story is that not all creatures would weep, and thus the journey was wasted, but Hermod became a deity of guiding, a psychopomp on the dark roads to the Underworld, literal and personal. He can be prayed to for guidance in finding your path when all seems dark. To gain his attention, give him food and drink.
Photo at top of this section by Phelle.
- Hail Hermod by Eric S.