Hail Hermod!
Thank You Hermod, for the persistence to get the job done that needs to be done.
Thank You Hermod, for carrying out Your duty even though you failed.
Hail the Hel-farer, far traveled Hermod!
Noble Lord, Hel Rider, we honour Your journey and Your gift.
Lit Sun December 06, 2015Hail Hermod!
Hail Hermod!
Lit Sun November 29, 2015Hail Hermod!
Hail Hermod!
Lit Mon November 16, 2015Hail Hermod!
Hail Hermod, Hel Rider !
Hail the Noble Nine Days Darkness Rider!
Glory and honour to You.
Thank You for showing us that duties must be taken, even if they fail, thank You for showing us that courage and devotion come in many forms.