whose name means merely "night", is Mani's herald, riding a black
horse named Hrimfaxi. The dew drips off of Hrimfaxi's bit as he passes over the
worlds. She is the granddaughter of Bergelmir the First Chief via his son
Norfi, the famous giant architect who designed Asgard, Thrymheim, and the hall
of Utgard-Loki. Her first husband (of three) was a Jotun named Nagifari, and
their son was named Aud. By her second husband, Annar, a water-giant, she bore
Jord, the mother of Thor. Her third husband, Delling, a red Alfar, gave her the
son Daeg, who would be chosen god of the Day. Nott herself is a very old
giantess, one of the oldest from before the flood, which she survived by being
in the realm of the Dead at the time. It is rumored that she also had an affair
with the old Vanir-god Frodi, and bore him Njord the sailor-god before leaving
him with the infant boy. Nott is not known for being maternal; she tends to be
a wanderer, leaving her various children to be raised by their fathers.
On the other hand, Nott is very much the wise old woman; although she is somewhat distant from most people's concerns, she can be helpful - when she chooses - for those who are searching for lost facts in the dark, especially about the past. She will casually drop a bit of her collected wisdom as she passes, like a star falling from her skirt. You may have a better chance at that if you are young and handsome and male, and you flirt with the old lady and remind her that she is beautiful and desirable - not that she needs reminding, but it's a gift she likes. Be warned, though; she make take you up on it.
- Invocation to Nott by Raven Kaldera
- For Nott by Ari
- Hail to Nott by Ingeborg
- Prayer to Nott by December Fields-Bryant