Hǣl the Wyrde, who permit me to continue my journey upon this thread. Hǣl Wyrd, Verthende, and Scyld for the worth they have woven within my life. Forever am I grateful.
Lit Fri March 22, 2024Please, Nornir
Nornir, please help me. I need this win tonight or tomorrow night. It doesn't need to be a huge win, just enough to get me through. For this, I will give anything asked except my little girl.
Lit Fri March 01, 2024Thank you Nornir
Thank you Nornir, for showing up unexpectedly today after a long hiatus. I appreciate your attention, consideration and guidance in any way you wish to offer it and am ready to serve you in any way you see fit.
Lit Sun February 25, 2024Please, Nornir
Nornir, please help me to find health, to keep fluids, nourishment and replenishment in my body and to overcome this illness to move on to a better, stronger phase of my life
For this, I will begin crafting with my hands again, I will weave a present for you and be more faithful to the old ways
Blessings and thanks, you have always guided me true
Lit Mon February 19, 2024Thank you Nornir
Thank you Nornir, for sending me my true brother, connected through ancient, spiritual bonds. He guided me back, to the old believes, to find the real me.
Lit Sun February 18, 2024Thank you Nornir
Thank you Nornir, for the glimpses behind the scenes to help guide my walk.