Thank you Nornir, for helping me to smooth out the threads of my past, present, and future. Thank you Urd, for coming to me in my dream and for helping me to see clearly.
Lit Thu November 21, 2024Thank you Nornir
Thank you Nornir, for having shown me the way so long ago, and allowing me to find my own way to it, albeit stumbling. I hear you more clearly now. Thank you for allowing me closer.
Lit Fri November 15, 2024Please, Nornir
Let me see the threads that draw me forward, that I will not struggle against their bonds.
Lit Wed November 13, 2024Please, Nornir
Nornir, please help spin my life into what I wish for
For this, I will live it in truth and sincerity.
Lit Wed November 06, 2024Thank you Nornir
Thank you Nornir, for weaving me into the story of life and having me meet Odin.
Lit Mon October 21, 2024Thank you Nornir
I said a request you nornir and called out your names and asked that you enter my mind, show me your presence. That I wanted to begin communicating with you. Last night I had a dream that there were 3 women watching me. I tried to see you as witches but not so. You three were cloaked faces, obscure but so present with me and one more than the others. You were everywhere and nowhere in my dream. I tried to see you at goddesses but you laughed and said no, you were separate and seemed more mysterious and powerful. Thank you for hearing my request. That you for entering my mind, I will pay homage to you three and praise you. Thank you
Lit Wed September 25, 2024Thank you Nornir
Thank you Nornir, for the glimpse and the gaze I take to my soul, from which I grow and reach out. Thank you Nornir, for the song and sound, from which I feel joy and move forth gingerly. Thank you Nornir, for the horn and howl, from which I extol my life, passing on warnings. All these thing, you have seen in your wisdom to allow me - having done, am doing, and will do - Thank you.
Lit Thu September 12, 2024Hail Nornir!
Hail Nornir!
Hail Urda, Verthandi, Skuld! Weavers of past, present, and future, thank you for help with altering my realities. Each of your wisdoms is boundless and I offer my gratitude. I am honoured to work with ye.
Lit Tue September 03, 2024Please, Nornir
Nornir, please help Skylar
For this, I will try to become more conscious of you and your work.
Lit Sun September 01, 2024Please, Nornir
Hail Nornir, master weavers of fate,
Keepers of the past, masters of present,
Deviners of destiny,
Gracious Goddesses of Thirsenheim,
Guardians of The Well of Wyrd,
Hear my call,
See me for who I am,
A humble servant, Shaman of Midgard,
Grant me the sight to see the lessons of the past,
Understand the present,
and embrace the future with greater wisdom,
see that I have embraced the fate you have devined for me in your great wisdom,
and grant me the gifts I need to see it to fruition,
Accept my servitude as I honour you in my work,
Accept my humility as I am humbled in your presence
Sup with me as we work as one,
Hail Urd,
Hail Verdandi
Hail Skuld,
Hail Nornir