Light a Lantern for Njord

Gratitude Praise Request

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Lit Tue May 10, 2011 Njord, please help...

Njord, please watch over the USS Gettysburg that leaves today for its deployment.

For this, I will bring offerings to the lake in thanks.
Lit Sun May 08, 2011 Njord, please help...

Njord, please help France to get out the bodies of the Paris-Rio flight from under water. Thank you for the families.
Lit Thu April 21, 2011 Thank you Njord, for...

Thank you Njord, for my time on Galvez' Isle.

If the tide has turned,
My time in this Harbor ebbing
I will take to Heart - Cell and Soul/Mind and Memory my Adventures here
Lit Mon April 18, 2011 Thank you Njord, for...

Thank you Njord, for being in my life as long as You have been. Your presence is always a blessing and a comfort.
Lit Mon April 18, 2011 Hail Njord!

Hail Njord! Thank you for everything. I praise you for your light, your love, and your presents in my life. know always that my discontent with what first brought me to you means nothing compared to my gratitude for knowing you in this life. Hail!
Lit Mon April 18, 2011 Njord, please help...

Njord, please help. I am desperate and scared, you know what I request and you know what I need.

For this, I promise that no mater my job I will honor you as the God and father figure you so kindly became for me.

I love you.
Lit Sun April 17, 2011 Hail Njord!

Hail Njord! Hail Grandfather - I love you. :)
Lit Sat April 16, 2011 Hail Njord!

Hail Njord! You who are the Lighthouse God, the one who brings communities safely through darkness to the far shore, may you bestow your blessings on us, and may your ships sail evermore, steered by your wisdom! You who fathered Frey and Freya - what greater compliment could I give?
Lit Sat April 16, 2011 Hail Njord!

Hail Njord!
Lit Fri April 15, 2011 Thank you Njord, for...

Thank you, Njord, for the beauty and the bounty You have bestowed upon us. Grant us the wisdom to use Your gifts wisely.
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