Njord, I cannot even begin to know where to start in my gratitude for what you've done here for me for us. As I learn about you and try to understand you better the more I respect you, the more I love you. How many times have merely an hour in the sea with you has lifted my spirits. What care I have seen you give to the crops here as the land is being renewed and used as it should be again. Hail Njord the wise one with joy and love I honor you.
Lit Thu July 21, 2011Thank you Njord, for...
Thank you Njord, for
Beautiful lobsters that melt in my mouth
The touch of a wave on my boat
The brilliant crystal skies of Maine
The wind that whips back my hair
The salty sea breeze
And a way of life unparalleled by any other offered in the vast bounty of earth
Man's destiny is entwined with the sea
I offer thanks for everything those beautiful waters yield,
And I promise
I will do
whatever it takes
to restore them.
Lit Sun July 10, 2011Thank you Njord, for...
Thank you Njord, for coming into my life and showing me my inner nature and true home. Thank you for your calm, and gifts, and wisdom. Hail you bountiful God, Njord of the naked feet, shepherd of the cattle of the deep blue fields!
Lit Wed June 15, 2011Thank you Njord, for...
Thank you Njord, for the neverending peace you facilitate between humans and the ocean. Hail to the fishermen! Keepers of knowledge, providers of food. I am humble before you. May we all sit quietly and hear what reverence and calm you whisper on ocean currents.
Lit Sat June 04, 2011Hail Njord!
Hail Njord! Sea God, Wealth God, Father.
Thank you for the fish we eat, the sea and waters which give life. Hail!
Lit Fri June 03, 2011Thank you Njord, for...
Thank you Njord
Hail my Lord of the Journey-by-Sea!
Thank you for the Adventure Wyrd set aside for me last week.
A new job beckoned to me
A journey to take through the air-streams
Though by the Storm-King's workings the journey-that-was-made was half of the journey-that-was-planned.
Beyond my Ve
Beyond my experience
Beyond my Wyrdest Imaginings
A Wonder lay in wait for me.
Thank you for that Journey.
Thank you for what it opened within for us three.
May those who shared themselves with me in Atlanta know the blessing that their companionship was to me.
May they know full well the role Wyrd held for them as it held for me.
Hail my Lord of the Journey-by-Sea!
Hail for the Mystery of Laguz!
Hail to the Wyrd of Initiation by the Watery-Rite of Passage!
Lit Fri June 03, 2011Thank you Njord, for...
Hail Njord, of the beautiful feet! Thank you Njord for all of your gifts.
It was a long journey that took me to the Northern port city I now call home. It fills me with joy to be so close to the ocean, and to your people, to your presence.
Every time I see another commercial shipping company switch back to windpower or other green methods, or see a father or grandfather teaching children to sail, I give thanks and praise you.
I long for the day when I can take my own children out on the water and tell them stories of you.
Hail Njord!
Lit Mon May 23, 2011Thank you Njord, for...
Mani's Brightness has smiled upon me through a full course of His Journey
Yet I remain by Galvez's Isle.
Dare I hope that I may stay where my heart feels so at Home?
My desire to roam long ago fed to satisfaction.
A Home where the sea gulls sing and pelicans soar
is more to my liking now.
Working to ensure the Star-Sailors' quests unfold with success calls to me.
Lord of Harbors - so mote it be.
Lit Mon May 23, 2011Thank you Njord, for...
Thank you Njord, for the bounty you provide. May you always be praised in the most sacred of lands!
Lit Fri May 20, 2011Njord, please help...
Njord, please help me approve the photography exam I have on Monday